Monday, November 16, 2009

GP Minneapolis, BAD DECKS GO


Bryan, Luciano, Pete, and I piled into the car this weekend and made the 7-hour trip to Minneapolis for the Grand Prix. Our two days there were, for the most part, uneventful. Bryan finished day one with an impressive record of 7-1, but couldn't quite get there in the day 2 drafts. I went in with no byes, and had to admit to myself somewhere around round six that I couldn't play well enough to ride my mediocre pool to victory. In hindsight, I realize I made some errors in my final build, so at any rate, I paid forty bucks for a lesson in limited craftsmanship and a Chrome Mox. Fair enough.

For the first time in all the events I've played with my go-to "suck it, nerd" playmat, I finally managed to offend someone. I'm not sure what he aimed to gain from telling the judge my mat was confrontational, but since the judge and I had seen each other at other events (and because he was a reasonable person with a sense of humor), I know what he didn't gain: anything.

So, since the only real advice I have for someone looking to succeed in sealed is "open a sick pool and destroy everything that stands in your way," I'll tell you about our next adventure: Friday Night Bad Magic.

The goal is this: Build a terrible deck. Go to FNM. Win. We brewed up a hilarious set of rules, caveats, and ideas, and are planning to take our awful decks to the Lich's Lair this Friday, after which I'll post here about our experience.

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