Tuesday, March 23, 2010

later, suckers


Hey, gang. I got a real life gig writing about MTG for Pastimes Events. Between the 50 hours a week I work, the two night classes I'm in, the dog I take care of, and the wife I'm trying to stay married to - well, let's say all that plus this new writing thing I'm not going to have time to update this ole blog anymore.

The site content goes live in about 3 weeks, so you guys make sure to check it out! I'll be posting content weekly, with a video every couple weeks or so.


  1. Anonymous17.4.10

    Too bad. I liked reading your perspective. What is the link to the new site.

  2. Pastimes.net. I'm not sure when content is going live, but I'm pretty confident that we have some awesome writers lined up.
