Tuesday, February 17, 2009



Sunday went HORIBBLY.

First pack, I opened a Sharding Sphinx, and was off to a good start. Sadly, no esper, or even interesting blue cards came my way, so I ended up drafting mostly Naya. Later, I found out that Brenna and Phil had both been grabbing Naya cards, watering all three of our decks down. First pack dropped this hilarious card, and it was all downhill from there. Second pack, I open a Scepter, and grab it over a some BR goodies, and told myself I was probably dumb for not going Grixis. Steve, the guy who owns the Lich's Lair, who I had previously thought was a pretty great guy, hate-drafted a monster that was coming my way during pick two or three, and it's the speed of my downhill tumble increases. Thankfully, I grabbed a Life Gainer 5000, which turns out to be about the only good thing to happen to me all night.

Game 1:
I pair up with Miguel, who I had grossly underrated as a noob. Our round went almost to time, as I was busy explaining a lot of the rules and intricacies of the game to him. Sadly, the oppurtunity to be a tutor to the kid is this match's only highlight, as Miguel grabs just the right cards at just the right time. Miguel sweeps me.
Match: 0-2, Overall: 0-1

Game 2:
The two Iveys are paired up, and it's the ultimate matrimonial match! Brenna's deck was hilariously similar to mine, and we go two embarassing games. Ghariels on both side build up a dozen or so tokens each, and Brenna's slamming down green fatties, but my Wall of Reverence keeps gaining me life of my lions while I throw Paragon of Amesha at her for five a turn. I sweep in two close games, and we make out in the bathroom for a while.
Match: 2-0, Overall: 1-1

Game 3:
I'm paired up with Phil in game 3, wishing I'd drafted something else. He lays down bird after bird, but I continue to pump Amesha, gain 5 from the lifelink, gain five from Wall of Reverence. He wittles me down by 1 point a turn, but I can't draw any answers. Game one ends with almost twenty creatures on the board, and Phil and I can only laugh at how we just filled up an entire scorecard with my life numbers. Game two Phil really impresses me with some interesting draft choices. He keeps making Spearbreaker unblockable, another fattie indestructible, and hits me with fliers for the win.
Match: 2-0, Overall: 1-2

I think I am getting better at drafting, and I can definitely tell I'm getting better at playing a draft deck. Unfortunately, I was plagued by bad draws, and got generally weak draft choices, but I'm feeling even more confident about next week. Brenna's doing better and better every time, too, and I can't wait to see what she pulls out of her hat.

I will also be taking part in Friday Night Magic this week, playing Standard constructed. I'll be running a Black/Red Goblin control deck, relying pretty heavily on burning out creatures, using Blightning and Raven's Crime to thin hands out, and finishing with either Siege-Gang Commander, or my one copy Voracious Dragon. I've got two Nicols (a card I originally thought was unplayable) sitting in my sideboard, because I've found that some of match-ups (surprisingly) go long enough to have seven lands and an Obelisk of Grixis sitting on the board.

I think Brenna might go, too. If so, she'll be running Naya, which is really unrepresented in our meta game. The thing is surprisingly quick on its feet, able to drop Thornlings on turn four, or Ajani'ing away your mana on turn three.

Anyway, good luck to all, and hope to see you this weekend!

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